Welcome to the Carmi Elementary Parents Advisory Council and Hot Lunch website!
We believe that by involving and informing parents we will have a more supportive and effective school environment for our children. It is up to us to work together to ensure our children have the best possible school experience.
must register every year. Here's how to get started...
✔Choose "Click Here to
✔Access Code: CEHL
✔Complete the rest of the registration form. (Including your email
address to ensure you receive reminder emails)
✔Click the "Register Now" button at the bottom
✔Follow the instructions to add each child in your family who
attends Carmi Elementary.
You will need to know the
division (see Welcome Page once logged in)
✔Once your child(ren) are
registered, click on "Orders"
✔Proceed to order hot lunch for your child(ren). When ordering lunches, select all the items you want to order for the whole session and then scroll down to check out. You will not be able to add or edit once payment is complete.
Please Note:
We only accept hot lunch order payments through PayPal. No cheque or cash payments will be accepted.
Payments and Orders must be received by the hot lunch cut off date or orders will not be filled.
Should you experience any issues with your PayPal account, you must contact PayPal directly to solve the issue.
If you would like to volunteer to help with hot lunch, please email carmipac@gmail.com
Thank you for Supporting Carmi Elementary PAC & all of our Fundraising Efforts!
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